ROW80 and Awards

Welcome everyone!

Three weeks to go and this last one was a whirlwind of school activities for the kids and overtime at work. However, a new rhythm is building and I’ll be discussing goal adjustments with my fabulous ROWbro, Kerry, soon.

When I set out to do ROW80, I decided to use it as a stress test in order to see what I was capable of managing given my life schedule. Of course, life up’d the stakes and my carefully constructed schedule fell to dust. I do not count this as a loss, because, now I have clarity into what can and cannot be accomplished. The future will, hopefully, see a more relaxed and efficient Gene.

I have two things for you today: The Update and some Blog Awards.

The Update

I was able to write 3023 words this week which met my goal. While waiting to pick up my older daughter from volleyball practice I managed to read another 35 pages of Roz Rozelle’s Description & Setting. This book just gets better and better. My younger daughter has decided to be my new treadmill partner and we are starting on that tomorrow. The other goals are still on hold but I am looking at ways to get back to them if possible. I’m also on course to take Kristen Lamb’s Blogging class that starts in October.

The Awards

Over the course of the last week I received two blog awards. The first was the Versatile Blogger, given to me by Amanda Rudd. This is my second of these. The other is the Liebster Award from Marie Andrews, a new-found ROW80 friend.

After receiving the awards, I had several conversations with a few of my blogger buds and gained some interesting insights. Some bloggers see awards as a type of chain letter. Others meet them with a “nice, but one more thing on my plate I don’t have time to deal with” choice. Some are excited to be given an award, others, well, not so much.

As I considered the words of my friends, I came to a realize that the value of the award was based on point-of-view. Given that our goal is to build author platform for our work, how do the awards help?

Let’s consider the points of value that come with being given and displaying awards.

1) While the award may be of little personal value to a veteran author/blogger, our blogs are not for us, but for our readers. If we are truly building platform then not all of our visitors are author/bloggers, some are readers. Displaying our awards adds a sense of “expertise” to our site and posts for our non-blogging guests. You know, the ones that we want to buy, read and enjoy our books.

2) Not all bloggers are veterans. In fact, blogging does not come easily to everyone. It took me four attempts over the course of six years to finally start the blog you are reading. In honesty, if it wasn’t for Kristen Lamb, Jami Gold and my wife, I wouldn’t be here now.

Blog awards are a simple and effective way to offer our support and appreciation of those we visit and read. It can make all the difference in another bloggers world. When Sonia G. Medeiros gave me my first Versatile Blogger award, it let me know, much to my surprise, that at least one person out there enjoyed my writing. It gave me the boost I needed to keep going.

The rules that are attached to each award are what make them appear to be chain letters. I do not think that we should allow ourselves to remain trapped in, or trap others into, having to comply with these rules in order to receive an award. If we are going to show appreciation, then show it. No strings attached. Hey, I love your work. You deserve this. Great job.

And here are the awards.

The Versatile Blogger Award. Versatile means being capable of handling multiple subjects and tasks. There are three bloggers that I read consistently that do not have this award and I offer it to them now out of appreciation for the versatility, and my enjoyment, of their excellent work.

1) Mary Jo Gibson

2) Kerry Meacham

3) Jess Witkins

The Liebster Award. Liebster is the German word for friend. There are a few bloggers that have offered me incredible support over the past months through their comments, direct messages, by chatting on Twitter and whom I think of friends, even though we have never met in person. To each of the following, “Thank You for your friendship.”

1) Jamila Jamison

2) Tiffany A. White

3) Lynn Kelley

If any of you need help figuring out how to display the award on your site feel free to email, DM or ask me in the comments. I’d be happy to assist you.

My thanks to everyone that visits, reads, comments and subscribes to my site. You are all precious to me and I think the world of each of you πŸ™‚

Peaceful Journeys!

About Gene Lempp

Gene Lempp is a writer blending elements of alternate history, the paranormal, fantasy, science fiction and horror for dark and delicious fun. He unearths stories by digging into history, archeology, myth and fable in his Designing from Bones blog series. β€œOnly the moment is eternal and in a moment, everything will change,” sums the heart of his philosophy. You can find Gene at his Blog, Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, WANATribe, Google+, Pinterest and StumbleUpon.
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49 Responses to ROW80 and Awards

  1. Sounds like you’ve had a productive week. Congrats on meeting your goal and I think its great that you and your daughter will exercise together.Its a nice idea.

    I think the blogger awards are a nice way to recognize your peers. Its like the People’s Choice Awards for blogging. So I think an acceptance speech (blog post) is a great idea. Then its up to the blogger as to where they put their trophy. πŸ™‚

    • Gene Lempp says:

      Nicole: I’m looking forward to exercising with the younger one, she’s sweet but a bit out of shape (like me) so this is something we can both benefit from.

      While I generally agree with you about the awards, I’m against making demands on other bloggers. We all have busy schedules and work hard at what we do. That said, I’m not against anyone making an acceptance speech, linking the award back to me, or using it in any way they see fit to assist their platform. It’s People’s Choice where the person gets to choose how to use their award without restriction πŸ™‚

  2. L.S. Engler says:

    Congrats on everything, Gene. Your goals, adjusting your goals thanks to that fun little thing called life, and all your wonderful awards. Mostly, though, I just love your approach to the awards. You’re right; some people are kind of jaded and may see them as a sort of chain letter, as you put it, but, really, they should be appreciated and taken for what they are: someone letting you know that you’re awesome and you deserve recognition. And other people deserve that, too. It seems a great way to build a sense of community, and it’s just great to see that.

    • Gene Lempp says:

      L.S.: Life is a wonderful thing and don’t mind having to adjust for its demands. Just wish it would send a warning memo first πŸ™‚

      On the awards, I think we get caught up in seeing them everywhere as we visit each others sites while not keeping in mind that others outside the writing sphere visit us as well. When we show each other appreciation it benefits everyone involved and that is the heart of the matter, I think. Thanks for the great comment!

  3. Katy Bennett says:

    I don’t think I’ve followed you from the start but you seem to have flown through this round and really made it work for you and that shows a lot of self discipline. As for the craft books I personally find them a bit too stringent at this stage, maybe further down the line when I’ve got a better grasp on things overall I’ll find them useful. Enjoy the rest of the day.

    • Gene Lempp says:

      I do three things with craft books that might help. First, I never read them as “gospel”, only as suggestions. Second, I write a review for all of them when I finish, whether I will ever use it as a post or not. Third, I go back through each a second time and cull it for tidbits and advice, all into a master file. This seems to help, but we each have our own approach that works.

      Thanks for the support and comment.

  4. kerrymeacham says:

    First off, great job on ROW80 given your hectic schedule of late. Second, thanks for the award love. I really appreciate it.

    Have a great LDW ROWbro.

  5. yikici says:

    What a great week despite the hectic schedule πŸ™‚ you certainly have a good understanding of what ROW80 is all about and you always have encouraging words to say.

    Congrats on the awards, it is a toughie to pass them on but you have done it so eloquently, with little fuss. I’d love to know how you can get an award/any kind of image -like the ROW80 badge on the sidebar as I’m guessing it needs a html code of sorts but I’m no techie so I fall short on these tasks!

    Have a fab weekend.

    • Gene Lempp says:

      I’m not sure how to add on Blogspot but for WordPress, I use the Image Widgit. It is a fairly simple process. By right clicking the award and selecting View Image Info it will give you the URL. This is then inserted into the Image URL in the Widgit settings. Tweak the size, add a link (if you choose) and other information and that’s pretty much it. But, that is for WP, every platform is different.

      Thanks for the support and the comment, Ozlem πŸ™‚

  6. alberta ross says:

    It took me quite a while to work out why so many writers were exchanging news about craft books! here in UK a craft book deals with say weaving, knitting, making soft toys etc – not writing – actually it didn’t take me that long the titles gave it away! but I still find my eyes light up at what may be a treasure trove of fabric/fibre advice!

    well done on your awards and your week – all the best for coming week

    • Gene Lempp says:

      LOL! You know I never considered the terminology differences, but that makes sense. Perhaps the Fabric of Fiction and the Fiber of the Imagination πŸ™‚

      Thanks, Alberta!

  7. yikici says:

    Thank you Gene & you are welcome πŸ™‚

    I’m on WP so I’m going to try that out now *crosses fingers* hope it works πŸ˜€

  8. Lynn Kelley says:

    Wow, Gene, I’m so honored and touched by receiving this award from you. I feel the same way about your friendship. You’ve helped me so much with learning to tweet and have been a true friend. Receiving this award from you means a lot to me. I also love the way you broke down how different people view the awards. You’re right, it all comes down to point of view.

    Congrats to you for receiving all these awards. You certainly deserve them. And congrats to the others who received awards from you.

    Also, great going on making your word goal and getting back to the tread mill and life goals. I’m glad all is working out with the family emergency.

    I’m also learning so much from Kristen Lamb’s “We Are Not Alone” and “Are You There Blog, It’s Me Writer.” Still need to re-read them so I can absorb it all!

    Have a wonderful week, Gene. Thanks again for the wonderful award.

  9. Gene – Great take on the blog award perspective. It was nicely said. And congrats…I received the Leibster Award this week, too! I haven’t posted it yet, but I thought is was great! ~ Nadja

    • Gene Lempp says:

      Ozlem: You’re welcome. Hope it works.

      Lynn: *big smile for you* You have been a great friend and supporter from the day I first met you. Especially, your thoughts and suggestions for my DfB series. The award is well-deserved and overdue. On the family side, yes, things are working out, still some rough spots but when aren’t there. Have a great week, Lynn πŸ™‚

      Nadja: Thanks and congratulations on your award as well. I know it is well-earned. Have a great week πŸ™‚

  10. Em says:

    Glad that you hit your wordcount target this week and lovely that you will be hitting the treadmill with your daughter. I loved reading your post about the awards. I too got the Liebster this last week and passed it on today. I was so happy to receive mine, it felt like I was doing something right in this whole blogging world. Any kind of encouragement is a good thing!

    I hope you have a great week and I am glad this round has given you some confidence and perspective on what you can achieve. Thank you for your comment on my post about Fear. Have an amazing week….not long left of this round!

    • Gene Lempp says:

      Somehow I don’t think my daughter is as thrilled about the treadmill as I am but she wants to run cross-country and realizes shes out-of-shape. I completely agree with your statement: “Any kind of encouragement is a good thing!”.

      This was not an easy ROW80 round for me, but I’ve learned so much that it was worth every minute of effort. Have a great weekend, Em πŸ™‚

  11. Jane Sadek says:

    I’m a fairly new blogger, too, and my first award (only recently received) felt like an invitation to the club. Though relationships are not built on compliments, they do brighten a day and give us a clue about what it is we are doing well. Your awards were well deserved.

    • Gene Lempp says:

      Jane: That is how I felt as well, it is a rite of passage for a blogger, a verification that we are doing something right. Congrats on your award as well πŸ™‚

      Tiffany: The great thing about the net is that we can meet far more people than we would ever have time to in person. You have been a great supporter for as long as I’ve known you and an excellent, encouraging friend. The award is well-deserved πŸ™‚

      Jess: Well, Witkins, it was my second as well and I want to be sure we stay even *grins*. Honestly, your blog is one of my top ten reads and has been since before I started my own. Even though it may be a repeat, it is my way of saying thanks for all the great material that you provide to us. Display your awards with pride they are well-earned πŸ™‚

      Wendy: Thank you and you are welcome. I do try very hard to be positive. The world is so full of negativity and I try to provide one positive oasis from the vast desert of day to day life. Have a great week πŸ™‚

  12. Gene, I am so glad you’ve joined us at Row80. You are doing great! Over 3K words is such an amazing week. I’m looking forward to the final push…

    Thank you for the award. Although we’ve never met, I do truly consider you a friend and I’m absolutely honored to receive the Leibster Blog ❀ from you.

  13. Jess Witkins says:

    Congrats to you, Gene! And thanks for putting the light on blog awards. I may need to post mine now, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to or how. But you’re right, it means people care about what I’m writing, and that’s worth everything to me. Well deserved to you! And thanks for being the second person to award it to me!

  14. Wendy says:

    Good work on the goals! This is another encouraging post. And thank you for sharing the info on the awards. I’ve seen them around and wondered what was up with them. Keep up the good work!

  15. Congratulations on hitting your goals this week Gene! That’s fantastic πŸ™‚ Your posts always have such a positive vibe to them. I hope you are enjoying your weekend and that the first part of your week is full of goal busting goodness πŸ™‚


  16. Pingback: Mashed Potato Monday – Labor Day Blog Love « Kerry Meacham's Blog

  17. Jenny Hansen says:

    Gene, meant to take time yesterday to congratulate you on your goals and tell you what a GREAT blog this is! πŸ™‚

    It’s nice to see so many others did it for me.

  18. EllieAnn says:

    Congrats on the awards and on completing your goals!

  19. catwoods says:

    Gene, thanks for the thoughtful insight into blog awards and your perspective on it all. Also, congrats on your awards and to those you passed the awards onto. It’s nice to see an honest conversation about it and helps me look at them in a new light.

    • Gene Lempp says:

      Cat: Thanks and I’m glad the article was effective, really held my breath on this one πŸ™‚

      Jamila: Same here, Jamila. I enjoy your comments and writing. You are always supportive and upbeat which means the world to many more people then just me. Thanks for being a cool person πŸ™‚

      JM: I’m the type that always wants to know why I’m doing something. When I couldn’t find anything on the awards other than an endless string of pass offs it made me want to analyze the subject. I’m glad that it has allowed you and many others to take a good look at the reasons and benefits of having the awards. Thanks for the compliment, it is much appreciated πŸ™‚

  20. jamilajamison says:

    I wholly agree with your philosophy on blog awards, and thanks so very much for passing the Liebster along to me. Our ROW80 and twitter conversations have definitely become highlights of my week. πŸ˜€

  21. Pingback: ROW80 Check-in 9/7 « Leavekeeping

  22. JM Randolph says:

    Very insightful post- and congratulations. This is the first post I’ve seen discussing blog awards so I was glad to read it. I have mixed feelings about them as well. I’ve received some and have gone back to thank the givers, but actually don’t know how to put them up on my blog, and stopped short of doing the posts with the required questions/answers. Again, thanks for your thoughts and insight- I like the way you did this.

  23. Pingback: Row80 Check-in & Coming Attractions | Jenny Hansen's Blog

  24. Pingback: ROW80 Check-In: Chilling Out | Flights of Fancy

  25. Pingback: People’s Choice Awards for blogs | Nicole Basaraba's Uni-Verse-City

  26. Julie Glover says:

    What a great take on the blog awards! Congratulations.

  27. Pingback: In Which I Win Awards, Give Awards, and Post Flash Fiction « Annalise Green

  28. Jocelyn Rish says:

    I found your post through a link on Annalise Green’s blog about blogger awards. I received the Versatile Award from three different people and was a bit lost about what it all meant. So your post really helped me figure it out and decide how to handle it in a way that made me feel comfortable. Thank you!

  29. Pingback: 10 Extremely Random Jenny Things | Jenny Hansen's Blog

  30. I have always been excited to be “noticed” and “awarded” for the work that I do on Mommy Rantings. I actually now maintain an Award page that displays the awards that have been sent my way. Even better is passing them onto bloggers who are deserving! I have enjoyed the friendship of the blogosphere…and hope to enjoy it for many more years! (Great post!)

    • Gene Lempp says:

      Bethany: Thanks and congrats on your many awards πŸ™‚

      Jamie: “*spousal-compliant hugs*” LOL, indeed! Glad you found the post and enjoyed it. Means a great deal to me. Thanks, friend πŸ™‚

  31. Pingback: Friday FabOoolousness – September Awards & Mashup | Tiffany A White's Ooo Factor

  32. Jami Gold says:

    Aww, thank you, Gene! For some reason, I’d missed this post, so I’m just seeing it now after Jenny Hansen linked to it. *spousal-compliant hugs* πŸ™‚ I’m so glad we’re friends!

  33. Pingback: Do Writers Need Validation? | Jenny Hansen's Blog

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