Past & Future: A New Victory and an Updated Direction


PrintI find myself at a moment of reflection on the backside of NaNoWriMo 2015 (yes, I completed the 50k. thank you), and so thought this a good time to address the past of this blog.

A glance back, before forging ahead.

As mentioned in a previous post, I’ve looked over my numbers from the blog. With two years of static traffic, I have the enviable position of being able to clearly see which posts, subjects, and themes my best traffic comes from. The answer, guest posts and Designing from Bones absolutely dominate the top 25% of most hits per post.

That said, I do have a few ideas moving forward that will honor the past of the site while increasing the value of the content.

First, starting in 2016, I’ll be pursuing selected guests to share their wisdom and experience here on the site. And, you will see me on other sites as well when the occasion allows.

Designing from Bones will live on, but will now be in support of my writing projects. Topics picked will be in connection with whatever I happen to be researching at the time. There will also be an occasional revitalization of some of the older Designing posts to up their value.

Writing Resources, while it did have a very loyal following, will not be returning in its past form. If you want to find posts on any writing topic, they are not hard to find. Sorry, Google wins this one because my creative work has eternal precedence.

If you look at the First Mentor post, you’ll see the New Writing Resources.  The people, the online writer resources, libraries, and universities, and those sources of real value for writers online — the New Writing Resources is where I’ll be housing everything I’ve found and continue to seek. Mentors, Resources, Training, Leaders, and more.

The remainder of my posting was focused on goals, time management, and other sundry topics. While I may visit some of those by default, it will be by way of posts on business, marketing, self-management, and self-motivation.

Call it the other side of the indie coin.

There will be a “What I learned from NaNo 2015” post out in a couple of days. I look forward to iterating into the future with all of you. *smile*

About Gene Lempp

Gene Lempp is a writer blending elements of alternate history, the paranormal, fantasy, science fiction and horror for dark and delicious fun. He unearths stories by digging into history, archeology, myth and fable in his Designing from Bones blog series. “Only the moment is eternal and in a moment, everything will change,” sums the heart of his philosophy. You can find Gene at his Blog, Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, WANATribe, Google+, Pinterest and StumbleUpon.
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7 Responses to Past & Future: A New Victory and an Updated Direction

  1. Jami Gold says:

    Congratulations on your NaNo win! 😀

  2. karenmcfarland says:

    Again, you inspire us Gene. Congratulations on your NaNo win! Yay, you did it!

  3. Diane Tibert says:

    I’ve always enjoyed your blog. I wondered what had happen when I didn’t see anything for a long time, but it’s not unusual for life and writing to get in the way of blogging.

    Congratulations on getting your 50,000 words down.

  4. Happy finishing NANO, and best wishes in your new direction.

  5. Gene Lempp says:

    Thanks, all. Appreciate the comments. *smile*

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