ROW 4 – The Sequel

Hi Everyone! Round Four of ROW 2012. A fresh beginning. A chance to anchor a year of hard work.

I’m going to be a bit looser with my goals this round (we will NOT discuss Round 3 beyond saying: “Chaos happens.”). Which is to say that I’m not setting any “round long” goals, other then, write daily.

That writing will amount to four hours a day. Like last round that time may be designing (plot, character, etc.), drafting or editing. I’ll list my plan for the coming week with each update.

The reason I want to approach things this way is that the chaos of life loves to screw with long term production plans. But, I’ve learned that if I write out the long range plans, break them down into week size bites, then daily bites – well, I actually get more done then I planned. Even when chaos is happening.

So, for week one (Oct 1-6):

-Finalize outline for “Ben” (novella). This is almost done. Should be final by tomorrow evening.

-First Draft 15k of “Ben”, which is about half of the expected word count. I am a hybrid FastDrafter, so on days I am doing a first draft I average about 5k a day. By hybrid, I do use a treatment style outline and scene/sequence index cards – stream of consciousness is for brainstorming (at least for me).

-Social Media Expansion. Yep, by the next check in you’ll be seeing me in a few new spots. Also trying to get a new Gravatar in the mix and making sure that my platform is interconnected, which I’m fairly certain it isn’t. Oh, and hoping to write a new blurb for myself and get that consistent across the platform.

That’s all for now.

Be sure to get out and support your fellow ROWers!

Peaceful Journeys.

About Gene Lempp

Gene Lempp is a writer blending elements of alternate history, the paranormal, fantasy, science fiction and horror for dark and delicious fun. He unearths stories by digging into history, archeology, myth and fable in his Designing from Bones blog series. “Only the moment is eternal and in a moment, everything will change,” sums the heart of his philosophy. You can find Gene at his Blog, Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, WANATribe, Google+, Pinterest and StumbleUpon.
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20 Responses to ROW 4 – The Sequel

  1. Gene, I think this is why I’ve been afraid to commit to ROWing. Chaos has a way of creeping in, and I don’t want to sound like a sad sack or a complainer. Somehow, you never do. I just swallow those days/weeks/events and don’t talk about them.

    Like you, I’m doing some “rebranding.”

    Thinking things over. Like I see you are Gene Lempp -Writer. Well, you have a nice short name. I’m deciding what to do with Teachers & Twits. Should I go by my name? So much to consider. I’d like to be able to write about anything and everything.


    How did you decide to change?

    On a picky note (but I think you’ll appreciate it), in your footer widget, it reads: “Genes main philosophy” — you need an apostrophe. 😉

  2. Those are some great goals! Four hours a day of write time is pretty darn good. I like to set daily, wkly, yrly goals, but like you mention ‘chaos happens.’ So, I remain flexible. And awesome that you are expanding your social media presence. Still working on mine. Thanks for the post! And good-luck! 🙂

  3. Lauren Garafalo says:

    I thought there was a lot less Gene in Round 3 lol. I’m right there with you. I think everyone is trying to use Round 4 to tie it all together and make for an overall good year. The mini goals seem to be a good idea for you as well. I find it most helpful bc my life and routine change so often right now that trying to make constant daily habits doesn’t really work. Nice, simple goals for the first week – good luck with them! 😀

  4. Marcia says:

    @Renee, I like your name and think you should use it. I tend to associate names and faces rather than cool titles with faces or with names. Teachers and Twits could be a tagline. When you’re published, you’ll want folks to remember that you’re Renee Shuls-Jacobsen, not a teacher, or a twit. 🙂 Just my two cents.

    @Gene– We have a name! I can’t wait to find out what “Ben” is all about! I know you’re writing has to be good because you already know how to write a cliffhanger, “by the next check in you’ll be seeing me in a few new spots”. I have to wait a few days to find out where? You love doing that to us, don’t you? I’m happy you have a plan that will work for you. I’ll be here cheering you on!

  5. Jess Witkins says:

    Can I high five you for making me feel not quite so much a big loser face? I started Round 3 with a bang and then…chaos ensued. It’s still ensuing, monstrously so. Therefore, like you, I’m not making big longterm goals this round. I’m gonna set some small weekly ones but with the ho ho horror of the holidays approaching this retail girl is already in way over her head.

    You might find a random meltdown email in your inbox before this round is through. Consider yourself warned.

  6. Good luck in the new round, Gene! Four hours a day is a great goal, applause! You seem to be doing really well, even with chaos happening. Keep up the good work, and see you around this round. 🙂

    • Gene Lempp says:

      Renee: We all fail at times. As a matter of fact, one would never succeed without chaos-generated failures. The key is to keep pressing forward regardless of events. I emailed you about the blog name and such. For those reading this, my advice (in a nutshell) was: How do you want readers to know you? I’m Gene Lempp (what will be on the cover of anything I publish) ~ Writer (what I am, how to associate me). The tagline, in your case “Teachers & Twits”, should reflect a general sense of our work – what to expect. Hope that helps. Email me if you want to discuss this further, Renee 🙂

      Maria: The four hour block is something I’ve been doing for awhile with great results. Granted, it took a couple of weeks to get in the flow of things, get the family trained to stay away when I work, and get to the point where I can sit down and my mind knows it is work time – but, once that is established it works great. Best of luck with building the social media presence. Just remember that the writing is always first 🙂

      Lauren: I wasn’t inactive during Round 3, but I also wasn’t very visible. I let the chaos chew up my presence so that I could remain productive “off-scene.” I really think that the weekly, short-term goals will work better. Kait hit on that in her opening ROW post, nailed it on the head actually – keep it simple, know you are human, keep going no matter what and without a load of personal abuse. Best to you in Round 4 🙂

      Marcia: Yep, “Ben”. I’ll be sharing more on Ben and the novella line soon. Always appreciate your support and friendship, Marcia 🙂
      Oh, cliffhanger, yeah, well by the next check-in you’ll be able to find me on… 😀

      Jess: *high five* And, since I have an understanding of your world during the holidays – the chaos is completely understandable. Stick to small goals that you can do in 15-30 minutes. This will let you get some work done (satisfaction) even during the stress of holiday retailing. Never beat yourself up because of your schedule. By the way, emailed you first and feel free to drop me a note/letter/rant anytime, Jess 🙂

      Ruth: Thanks, Ruth! I very much appreciate the support – which makes getting through the chaos easier 🙂

  7. I did wonder where you were during round 3, since I saw a lot less of you.
    But I know what you mean about chaos. That’s why I changed my goals to weekly goals, instead of round long, so I can accommodate better as things happen. And things do happen.
    You’re a super fastdrafter, Gene! Can’t wait to hear about your great word count 😉
    Good luck!

  8. K.B. Owen says:

    Great goals, Gene – I agree you should set goals you actually have control over, to work toward the end result. I’m so impressed by your four hours a day commitment! I’ll have to get back into ROW – I forgot it was October already?! I knew the summer months would never work out, but now I have no excuses. 🙂

  9. Patricia says:

    I’m not part of the ROW team, but I’m here for support none-the-less.

    Good goals. Let success begin!

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt

  10. Happy writing this round, Gene 🙂 I can’t wait to hear more about “Ben”. And weekly goals is a great idea. Life happens but you’ll usually know how much you can accomplish next week.

  11. Lena Corazon says:

    I feel like EVERYONE had a Round 3 that was less-than-stellar. I have termed mine “the ROWnd that wasn’t.”

    I like the weekly goals, Gene. Definitely makes things much more flexible and manageable. Good luck with your work on “Ben” this week, and I can’t wait to hear more about the project!

  12. shanjeniah says:

    Gene –

    I’ve seen you around, but we’ve never ‘met”. So glad you are one of my nines this check-in, so we finally can.

    My round 3 was chewed up with birthdays (mine and all three children’s), a death anniversary for a middle child, who died in infancy, my fifteenth wedding anniversary, and three out of state trips – just me and the kids, so I was the on-duty parent for days on end.

    There was more homeschool stuff than in any previous year, including Jeremiah’s first standardized test.

    Near the end of the round, out beloved cat died.

    This round, I, too, am simplifying. I love your four hours a day goal – I can do that, but seldom all at once, unless late at night, because I am the at-home unschooling facilitator, and that is a pretty unpredictable role…

    I keep hearing about Fast Draft….I think I want to check that out,.because it sounds intriguing.

    Your weekly goals sound solid, challenging, but doable. I like that.

    This seems to have worked a bit backwards. I came to encourage you, and you encouraged me!

    Looking forward to getting to know you during this round…

  13. Pingback: My ROW80 Role Models « Jess Witkins' Happiness Project

  14. Pingback: And…We’re off! -ROW80 Goals Update, 10/4/12 « shanjeniah

  15. Julie Glover says:

    I love the flexibility of ROW80! We can adapt our goals to what our life holds at the time. Best wishes with your novella, Gene! Excited to see you this round again. Looking forward to your updates.

  16. Jenny Hansen says:

    I love your ROW updates, though I agree with Marcia about the cliffhanger effect! Can’t wait to see where you’re gonna show up. 🙂

  17. Pingback: #ROW80 Update ~ A Plethora of Goals | Jenny Hansen's Blog

  18. Pingback: Lessons From Ants: Rebuilding After The Storm « renée a. schuls-jacobson's blog

  19. Pingback: #ROW80 Round 4 2012: A good week | The Sound of One Hand Typing

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