ROWdate 11-30

Hello everyone!

This will be a short update. Since completing NaNo last Friday I’ve taken a brief break to let things settle, reconnect with my family, clean my office (two months of piled papers and enough post-its to wallpaper the house) and generally catch my breath. All that means, no words written but I haven’t been entirely idle (I’m not sure that is a possibility for me anyway) and have been doing research that I’ll need for restructuring the abyss of words that NaNo brought me.

I have to admit it is actually quite calming to be not have the pressure of a project on me but I can feel the itch to get back into it starting to burn. Once that writing fire is ignited it is hard to shut it off and why would we want to anyway.

Hope your weeks have started out well.

Peaceful Journeys!

About Gene Lempp

Gene Lempp is a writer blending elements of alternate history, the paranormal, fantasy, science fiction and horror for dark and delicious fun. He unearths stories by digging into history, archeology, myth and fable in his Designing from Bones blog series. β€œOnly the moment is eternal and in a moment, everything will change,” sums the heart of his philosophy. You can find Gene at his Blog, Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, WANATribe, Google+, Pinterest and StumbleUpon.
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12 Responses to ROWdate 11-30

  1. That’s why a common advice is to write everyday, even if only 100 words, so you won’t lose the enthusiasm and the “fire” hehe
    But I’m glad you’re taking a breather and reconnecting with your family πŸ˜‰ And I do get the no- possible-to-be-idle. Even when I go out with friends or am on a family reunion, my mind is working on plotting, dialogue, character development, ideas πŸ˜‰
    Well, have a nice rest!

  2. Ryan King says:

    Enjoy the down time and congrats again on NaNo πŸ™‚

  3. I must say, I’m jealous of your burn to get back on with it. The last twice I finished I stopped for about 6/8 months, nothing could get me back into it. Lets hope this doesn’t happen this year!
    I’m sure I’ve said it before, but congratualtions on WINNNIG!

  4. Congrats! I’m taking a break on my writing for a few weeks, too. I’ve got to complete my final read through – or two – on my novella before I click that publish button, and then, I’ll have to do as you and start sifting through my NaNo project. I feel good about it, though. I’ve got a solid story that I’d like to have cleaned up and published by February. Okay…reaching a bit, but in a good way…Ha!
    Have a great week!

  5. Em says:

    I guess it is natural for us all to change speed slightly after NaNo. It is so intense I do feel I need time to work out my next steps and do crazy things like, the washing up!

    Have a great week and glad you are still loving your NaNo story.

  6. camille says:

    If you’re doing NaNo and ROW80, you deserve a rest. I scheduled one into my 80 days myself. Or perhaps I should say I set my goals with a buffer in mind, knowing I would take a break at some point.

    And yeah, working hard, and then taking a well-deserved break, does seem to kindle the fire for another go.

  7. Marcia says:

    A little breather will clear your head…revisions and additions willl be easier. Good luck! Enjoy the break.

  8. Stacy Green says:

    Congrats on your NaNo accomplishment and good for you for taking a break. A much needed one, I’m sure.

    • Gene Lempp says:

      Juliana: Actually, my break ended today. I did research for a few days and “found” what I was looking for. Long story and maybe one day I’ll post on it. Let’s just say that I have a new lease on my writing now and NaNo was a huge help in that regard.

      Ryan: Thanks πŸ™‚

      New: Thanks. I’m back to work already, the break was intentional to let the project stew in my mind a bit. In the past I had a few longer writing break, one lasted 15 years.

      Nadja: It sounds like your still working, just not actively writing, but reading through is a part of the job description so I’d see that is “still hard at work”. All the best πŸ™‚

      Em: Yeah, my office looked like a tornado nested in it. Took a couple of days to clean and organize, set a new direction, remind my kids I was still alive, you know, revisit life. Back in the office chair today though and starting out on the next stage of the journey. Can’t wait πŸ™‚

      Camille: Breaks are essential to our long term mental health. I don’t pre-plan them but like you I know I’ll need one at some point and just allow myself to take a day or two when needed. In reality though, my mind never stops on a story once I start it and the brew times are generally a good thing.

      Marcia: Thanks and hey, tomorrow we begin the treadmill challenge. Can’t wait πŸ™‚

      Stacy: Thanks, the break was good. Reassessment time is essential and I’m glad I gave myself permission to do this. It made all the difference.

  9. Nellie says:

    I think you’ve well and truly earned a break. πŸ™‚

  10. Wendy says:

    Ugh, I know what you mean. Once that pressure was gone, I flopped down and read a novel and did loads of cleaning. Now I’m more than ready to get back to writing. My NaNo WIP is not at all finished. Only the word count was reached. Lots more writing to do, then lots and lots of editing will be needed. But that’s cool. Kind of looking forward to it.

    Congrats, and keep up the good work!

  11. kerrymeacham says:

    I’m right there with you, ROWbro. I’ve done some housecleaning, and now I’m catching back up on blogs I let go by. Great job on NaNo, and on to PlotWriMo!!! ~clink~

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